Accuracy Statement:
ENMU-Ruidoso has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the information within these pages is accurate. The information is subject to change without notice. The college further reserves the right to add, amend or repeal any of its rules, regulations, policies and procedures, consistent with applicable laws and policy established by the ENMU Board of Regents.
Drop/Add and Withdrawal
Drop/Add: Changing a class schedule requires adding or dropping one or more courses. Changes can be made in your MyENMU-Ruidoso portal. Advocates can also assist with the process.
Withdrawal: When a student feels he/she cannot complete a course or the semester, the student may withdraw from the course or the semester by completing a Withdrawal Form (available in the Student Success Center). Note: When considering withdrawing from a class or the semester, please talk with an advocate – there may be some consequences that you have not considered (i.e., Financial Aid).
Note: Verbally notifying your instructor that you are dropping or withdrawing from his/her course does not officially change your registration status. For information contact the Student Success Center.
For semester Drop/Add and Withdrawal deadline dates, check the Academic Calendar.
Course Auditing:
Auditing a class means you pay for and attend classes but do not receive a grade. Audited courses do not meet degree requirements and are not eligible for financial aid or VA benefits.
NC (Not for Credit option) must be marked on the original registration document.
Changes to registration cannot be made after the end of the drop/add period.
Enrolling in more than 18 credit hours in the fall or spring semester or 10 credits in the summer semester is considered an “overload.” You must have written permission from the Vice President of Student Learning and Success prior to registering for a course overload. Additional fees apply.
Course Changes/Cancelations
ENMU-Ruidoso reserves the right to make changes to the published schedule or to cancel any classes that do not meet minimum enrollment requirements. Class enrollments will be closed when maximum class size has been reached.
Cancelations due to weather: In extreme weather conditions, classes may be canceled. Check the ENMU-Ruidoso’s website home page, Facebook page, listen to local radio stations, Albuquerque TV newscasts and recorded announcements on the campus phone line (575-315-1120) or call your instructor.
Special Services
Students with disabilities can request accommodation and assistance in the admissions process and with registration by contacting the Learning Commons/Student Success Center in advance.
Students with disabilities can contact the Learning Commons/Student Success Center to begin the process for accommodations. Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the Students with Disabilities liaison in the Learning Commons/Student Success Center to bring in documentation as soon as possible. The process of accommodations can take 1-3 weeks. Students are highly encouraged to begin the process of setting up accommodations before the semester begins.
Accommodations are based on individual needs according to documentation. Referrals can be offered to individuals who have documentation that is older than three years or do not have documentation.
For procedures information, intake questionnaire form and exam request form, click this link: Accommodation Services.
Additional Links:
Class Schedule Note: New Mexico General Education Curriculum (NMGEC) – In accordance to state law, the New Mexico Higher Education Department has established policies to guarantee successful transfer of completed core courses between New Mexico postsecondary public institutions.
Financial Aid
New Mexico Workforce Connection – Employment Services
Residency FAQ
Tuition Matrix