
Weekly Newsletter

ENMU-Ruidoso Weekly Newsletter, Feb. 10 thumbnail graphic

Read and download:
Feb. 10-16

ENMU-Ruidoso Weekly Newsletter thumbnail graphic, Feb. 3

Read and download:
Feb. 3-9




Class Schedule


Ridgeline Review Magazine

A Literary & Fine Arts Magazine from ENMU-Ruidoso.

Helping ENMU-Ruidoso Students and the Ruidoso community (and beyond) reach new creative peaks!

About the Ridgeline Review:

Ridgeline Review is ENMU-Ruidoso’s literary and fine arts publication, featuring work from students, faculty, staff, and community members. We define “community” to mean anyone who lives in or near the Ruidoso area, or who has been impacted by this area at some point in their lives. In recent years, we have expanded to dedicate a portion of our pages to artists and writers who’ve connected with us online or via social media.

Here at Ridgeline Review, we recognize the power of the creative arts, and we value their ability to connect our campus with the surrounding community and the larger world. Ridgeline Review is powered by student interns with guidance from college staff. As you experience the writing and artwork in these pages, we hope
you feel as proud and inspired as we do!

Ridgeline Review serves as a creative space for this community, and the views and opinions expressed within don’t necessarily reflect those of ENMU-Ruidoso.

View/Download: Spring 2024, Vol. 4


Special thanks to the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico and the Devasthali Family Foundation for their generous support.


MANAGING STUDENT EDITORS : Caitlin Daugherty, Jaxon Draper, RJ Gonzalez, Gloria Jeremias, Ramie Kinnie, Faith Maske, Kristine Neuman, Liane Pérez-Pantoja, and Jocelyn Rose

DESIGNER : Jocelyn Rose

COVER PHOTO : “Magic New Mexico Light” by Ray Dean

Elevations Magazine

